• 1300 566 546
  • laser@instantlaserclinic.com.au

Male Erectile Dysfunction

Stop Living With Erectile Dysfunction

There is nothing more distressing for a man, and for the one he loves, than not being able to achieve a firm lasting erection.

For so many men – 1 in 5 to be exact, it means they cannot have a normal healthy relationship with a woman. And for some it means that they avoid having any relationship at all, due to their embarrassment.

But there is a cure – and it does not involve surgery, injections, or the most common treatment- pills.

It just involves a few 20 minute treatments over a period of eight weeks.


No one needs to know, as the treatments can be done in a lunch hour, or after work – thanks to there being no side effects or down time.

This amazing treatment done by fully qualified doctors at the Instant Laser Clinic in Melbourne – is considered the most effective and best treatment in Europe, the UK and Asia.


  • Therapies without medication or surgery
  • Short treatment sessions
  • No anaesthesia required

Diagram showing the gentle effect of acoustic (sound) wave energy and vasodilation effect, causing the improvement of male erectile dysfunction

Today Shockwave therapy is still widely used to treat all kinds of indications from soft tissue injuries in humans and horses to diabetic foot ulcers and even cellulite.

But for men suffering from Erectile Dysfunction, the fact that it is also effectively used to treat this problem is fantastic news.

Shockwave therapy uses energy from acoustic waves to trigger a process called neovascularization. This causes new blood vessels to form meaning there is an improvement of blood flow to the region.

This is why it helps with Erectile Dysfunction. By promoting the development of new blood vessels in the penis, it allows more blood to flow to the penis hence creating stronger erections.

It also rejuvenates the smooth muscle of the penis, which is important to men suffering from Erectile Dysfunction because the smooth muscle in their penile arteries has been damaged.

There are no pills or needles or suction devices used in this treatment. The doctor applies a probe to the penis – targeting different areas every treatment. This only takes 20 minutes at most. There is no need for anaesthesia as there is no pain, just sometimes a little bit of tingling.



Instant Laser Clinic is also offering Emsella BTL Technology, the latest advancement in non-invasive treatment of male erectile dysfunction, urinary incontinence as well as faecal incontinence.

Emsellauses revolutionary High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic (HIFEM) technology to stimulate the pelvic floor muscles 11,200 times in less than 30 minutes.

This is a non-invasive procedure which requires no drugs or after care. The BTL Emsella chair, gently applying  high-intensity electromagnetic stimulation energy to the pelvic floor muscles in only 30 minutes, resulting in the restoration of neuromuscular control.

Patients can remain fully dressed during the treatment, making the experience completely comfortable and stress-free.


*Results may vary from individual to individual.

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Terms and Conditions

Using energy from acoustic wave therapy, a mini trauma is created in the tissue. This process is called neovascularitazion, and when it occurs, new blood vessels form. A larger number of vessels improves blood flow in the area. When a patient with erectile dysfunction presents with low blood flow, this makes it impossible to maintain an erection.


The steps to administer shockwave therapy at our Melbourne clinic are as follows:

• A probe coated in a special gel is applied in the penis

• Different areas of the penis are targeted with the low-intensity shock waves.


Treatment sessions last between fifteen to twenty minutes, and anaesthesia is not required. This male ED treatment is pain-free, but some patients might experience a tingling feeling in the treated area*


*Individual results may vary

The acoustic wave therapy is the best option for men that suffer from erectile dysfunction. This treatment is ideal for:

• Men with moderate erectile dysfunction.

• Men that want an alternative erectile dysfunction treatment that does not include drugs

• Men searching for non-surgical procedures with little to no side-effects.


The success rate of the treatment depends on the patient, as each case is different and each patient at our Melbourne clinic responds differently to the shock wave therapy.*


*Individual results may vary

Recent studies show that patients with moderate erectile dysfunction present no side effects after the treatment. Those with a severe case of erectile dysfunction may benefit from the use of drugs in addition to the shock wave therapy.


Erectile dysfunction is a benign disorder and a completely treatable condition that usually requires prescription drugs and therapy. Pills, penile injections and vacuum erection devices may help to achieve an erection, but they only work for one encounter, while shock wave is a longer lasting male erectile dysfunction treatment.*


*Individual results may vary

The response to the treatment depends on the patient. Some cases respond better to shock wave male ED treatment, while others only respond partially. Multiple sessions will be needed to get better results. The shock wave therapy forms new blood vessels, as a strong blood flow is fundamental for an erection. *


*Individual results may vary

Erectile dysfunction has two stages, with two types of patients. In stage one, the subject can achieve an erection but not maintain it. In stage two, the patient cannot achieve an erection at all.


Each case is different, and this will determine how many sessions are necessary. In general, a course of 6 to 12 treatments once or twice per week are recommended for shockwave therapy at our Melbourne clinic.

$250 per session, with a course of 6 to 12 sessions recommended.


With shock (acoustic) wave therapy, there is no need for expensive prescriptions or pills to take. This treatment can be used for men who cannot take oral ED medications, such as men suffering from heart disease, diabetes or high blood pressure. It can also be used for situations where other oral ED drugs do not work adequately. The shock wave erectile dysfunction treatment actually addresses the root cause of ED – poor blood flow – rather than providing a temporary fix.

*Disclaimer: All photographs represent one person’s experience, and results may vary for each patient. All photographs are of actual patients from Instant Laser Clinic. The visible change in these photographs has occurred as a result of the procedure/s undertaken. Some before and after photos shown are not exact, in that they vary in light, contrast, clothing, background, distance from camera, hairstyle and make-up.