An enjoyable sex life is very important to our wellbeing, but for many women this is not the case.
O-shot, is a non-surgical treatment which promises to increase sexual arousal and rejuvenate the vagina.
Patients report stronger and more frequent orgasms, increased natural lubrication and greater arousal after having this procedure, no matter what age.
The O-shot was the brain child of Dr Charles Runels, whose theory was that our platelets naturally attract our own stem cells. He believed that by injecting our own Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) into the sexual response areas of the vagina that healthier and more functional tissue would develop.
He was correct. The high-quality Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is produced from the client’s own blood. The PRP contains cell regenerating growth factors which, when injected into specific areas of the vagina, triggers stem cells to increase blood flow and generate healthy tissue growth as well as improve the vascularization of the area.
Patients have reported a variety of positive results from the shots including;
• Increased sensation
• Greater arousal from clitoral stimulation
• The ability to have a orgasm from penetrative sex when previously unable
• Younger and smoother skin of the vulva
• Stronger and more frequent orgasms
• Improvement in urinary incontinence
• Decreased pain for those experiencing painful sex
• Increased natural lubrication
Women who wish to enjoy their sex life more.
The O-shot procedure is simple with minimal discomfort.
Firstly, some blood is drawn from the arm. It is then placed in a special centrifuge to produce the Platelet Rich Plasma.
The areas to be injected are numbed with a gentle cream-based product.
Once the PRP is extracted from the blood, it is injected into the numbed area near the clitoris and upper vagina.
The injection feels like slight pinch or warm sensation.
You may experience mild redness, swelling and or numbness for the first few days – possibly up to one week.
The results can vary depending on the patient.
Age, medical conditions and hormonal problems will determine the results.
50% of women will experience amazing results instantly whilst others will just notice a marked improvement.
The treatment lasts approximately 14 -18 months, depending on the client.
The cost is $800 and takes 30-45 minutes to perform.
*Disclaimer: All photographs represent one person’s experience, and results may vary for each patient. All photographs are of actual patients from Instant Laser Clinic. The visible change in these photographs has occurred as a result of the procedure/s undertaken. Some before and after photos shown are not exact, in that they vary in light, contrast, clothing, background, distance from camera, hairstyle and make-up.